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Boy with a GFA World provided Chicken.
Boy with a GFA World provided Chicken.

Help Share the Love of Christ

Adult Tricycle

Adult Tricycle

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Suggested gift: R1,400

These hand-operated tricycles give people with physical disabilities the dignity of being able to get around on their own.
A family with GFA World provided goats

Barnyard Bundle

Suggested gift: R8,136

  • Six Chickens
  • Four Pigs
  • Two Goats
  • One Cow
A GFA World missionary on a bicycle


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Suggested gift: R1,540

Bicycles help national missionaries save time, energy and transportation expenses, dramatically increasing their ability to minister. These sturdy bicycles enable national missionaries to respond quickly to people asking for prayer and to carry the news of Christ farther and faster.

Women collecting water from a GFA World Biosand Water Filter

BioSand Water Filter

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Suggested gift: R420

Many people in the areas we serve do not have clean water, and as a result, they battle waterborne illnesses—or even succumb to death. Made with simple materials, BioSand water filters remove 98% of biological impurities, providing safe water for drinking and cooking for the family and for neighbors, too! The clean water will improve health and hygiene and will give peace of mind—all of which are expressions of Christ’s care.

A family in a GFA World provided blanket


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Suggested gift: R350

Most families in the impoverished areas in which GFA serves have little or no insulation or heating in their homes. Those who sleep on the streets are even more exposed to the cold.

A family listening to a GFA World gospel broadcast

Broadcasting the Good News

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R 560 - R 2,240

Broadcasting provides the opportunity for communities to learn about the love of Christ through radio programming, social media platforms and other key internet-communication channels. Through these avenues, people across Asia—and even beyond—can discover powerful truths in God’s Word, even if they can’t read.



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Suggested gift: R4,140

In some parts of South Asia, camels are used for everything from plowing to transportation to hauling goods. Camels can carry heavy loads across soft desert sand. They provide milk, and camel wool can even be woven into cloth.
People lined up holding GFA World provided chickens


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R 154 per pair

Your gift towards chickens can help supplement a family’s income and get them on their feet financially. Hungry families can eat or sell the nutritious eggs, or they can hatch chicks to increase their flock and later have more eggs and chicks to sell. Most importantly, this gift gives each recipient a walking reminder that God sees them and He cares about them.

A congregation gathered in front of a GFA World provided church building

Church Building

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R 140,000 - R 560,000

The mission of GFA World is to establish churches where there are none. As people in remote areas come to know the Lord, their growing congregations often lack a permanent structure to use for worship services. Your gift helps us to build and repair buildings. Even a gift of R80 can help provide decades of safer worship; with others sharing the cost, a church can be built!

Embroidery Machines Generate Income

Embroidery Machines Generate Income

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Suggested gift: R2,170

Asian clothing is often enhanced with intricate designs. For centuries, the needlework was painstakingly completed by hand. But with your gift, this process can be greatly improved. This machine allows a seamstress or tailor to craft remarkably beautiful items to sell, helping to improve their standard of living.
Fertilizer Spray Pump

Fertilizer Spray Pump

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Suggested gift: R540

Applying liquid fertilizer to their crops can vastly improve the quality—and quantity—of food a farmer harvests. Your donation of a durable, lightweight spray pump impacts both the farmer and those who consume the tasty crops.
Fishing Net

Fishing Net

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Suggested gift: R1,064

Millions of people in Asia and Africa rely on fishing to feed their families. The people who receive these fishing nets can cast them upon the waters every day and sell the fish they catch in local markets.
Woman with a GFA World provided goat


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R 1,960 per pair

Goats may or may not have been there to greet baby Jesus, but they sure are a great way to show His love to families in need. These animals provide meat and milk, and they can be sold for a good price. Increased income means more money for things like food and blankets, but it also enables families to send their children to school, making a lasting difference in the fight against poverty

A man reading a gospel tract

Gospel Tracts

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Suggested gift: R14

For many people in remote areas, a piece of Gospel literature is the first step in their journey of knowing Jesus. Oftentimes, Gospel literature will be read aloud to others who are illiterate or passed on to someone else who will read it and pass it on to yet another person.

Holy Scriptures

Holy Scriptures

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Suggested gift: R140

Many believers in areas we serve are first-generation believers who grew up knowing nothing of God’s ways, and they’re hungry for His Word. Your donation helps give people a copy of God’s Word, enabling them to grow in their knowledge of God and walk more closely with Him.
A woman pumping water from a well

Jesus Well

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Suggested gift: R19,600

Jesus Wells provide fresh water year-round, protecting communities from waterborne illnesses and sparing women and children from spending hours searching for water sources. Obtaining clean water is also vital for practicing safe hygiene and for supporting healthy immune systems, both of which prevent the spread of diseases.

A boy with a GFA World provided chicken

Jr. Barnyard Bundle

Suggested gift: R1,824

  • Four Chickens
  • Two Pigs
  • One Goat
Kerosene Lanterns

Kerosene Lanterns

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Suggested gift: R350

Lanterns are given to families in regions that have no electric power and to churches so believers can hold nighttime activities.

“With this lantern I will be able to study for longer time without putting much strain on my eyes.” —Miriam

Kerosene Lanterns

Kerosene Lanterns

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Suggested gift: R350

Lanterns are given to families in regions that have no electric power and to churches so believers can hold nighttime activities.

“With this lantern I will be able to study for longer time without putting much strain on my eyes.” —Miriam



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Suggested gift: R910

A sheep’s rich milk is an excellent source of calcium—an essential nutrient for young children—and makes delicious cheese. Income from selling milk or lambs can provide education, food, medical care or a multitude of other valuable needs for families. And healthier, stronger families mean healthier, stronger communities!

LED Solar Light System

LED Solar Light System

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Suggested gift: R1,470

Millions of the poorest of the poor live in rural villages with no electricity. Giving a simple LED light system, which operates on solar power, can provide enough light to brighten up a tiny home.
Medical Ministry

Medical Ministry

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Suggested gift: R375

Giving to medical ministry can help provide free medical care and health education to people who are suffering—and even dying—from treatable ailments. One medical camp can serve 200 to 1,000 people, meaning countless families can receive lifesaving treatment and health education, all in the name of the Great Physician, Jesus Christ.

Mobile P.A. System

Mobile P.A. System

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Suggested gift: R4,900

A Mobile Public Address System makes it much easier for a missionary to share with large crowds. These open-air meetings give many people an opportunity to learn about Christ. Equip missionaries with a Mobile PA System and they’ll be well on their way to reaching hundreds with a message of hope.
A woman and child sitting within a GFA World provided mosquito net

Mosquito Nets

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Suggested gift: R140

Malaria is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. Children and infants are particularly susceptible. Mosquito nets save lives and offer a restful night’s sleep, free from the sting of disease-laden mosquitoes.

Musical Instruments

Musical Instruments

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Suggested gift: R70

Most Asian churches don’t have organs or guitars or fancy sound systems. Purchase a drum and tambourine for a church and help believers make a joyful noise unto the Lord.

“This donation was on my husband’s Christmas list for this year. He asked that my son and I donate Bibles, tracts, musical instruments and Vacation Bible School materials to Gospel for Asia. He said, ‘The best gift I could get this Christmas is for others who don’t know Christ to have a chance to hear about Him.’ —Shelly T., Winterville, NC

A woman with GFA World provided cattle

Noah's Ark Package

R 24,162

  • Two Chickens
  • Two Pigs
  • Two Goats
  • Two Cows
  • Two Water Buffalo
A family standing outside a GFA World provided toilet

Outdoor Toilets

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Suggested gift: R7,560

More than a billion people worldwide have no choice but to go to the bathroom out in the open, which poses many risks, especially for women and girls who venture into open fields under the cover of darkness. Private outdoor toilets spare families from disease found at communal waste grounds and protect the dignity of men, women and children.

Paddy Threshing Machine

Paddy Threshing Machine

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Suggested gift: R1,190

A simple paddy-threshing machine removes rice grains from the stalks. The machine will help a farmer provide for his family.

“My financial condition is stable. I am able to save a little bit of money every time. I have sufficient resources, and my children are happy. I am happy. I am able to look after my family very well.” —Samuel

Pay Telephone Helps Pay Bills

Pay Telephone Helps Pay Bills

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Suggested gift: R720

Yes, they’re still used throughout Asia. And when a poor family installs a pay phone near their home, they can generate income for years. It's a way to provide extra income for the entire household.
A couple with a GFA World provided pig


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R 910 per pair

These portly critters bring powerful financial breakthroughs to needy families. Piglets fetch a good price at market, which enables families to buy whatever they need, and adult pigs provide ample meat for selling or eating.

Pull Cart

Pull Cart

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Suggested gift: R1,680

Pull carts enable families to carry their wares wherever potential customers gather. Pull cart recipients are able to grow their existing businesses or even start new ones!

“With the pull cart, I can travel around and sell onions and potatoes. Wherever I find a suitable place, I stand and sell. My earnings have also increased.” —Bhrithi, a 38-year-old widow who was tearful and speechless when she received her pull cart



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Suggested gift: R2,800

These functional vehicles can mean the world to the needy families who receive them. Instead paying a high price to rent a rickshaw, rickshaw drivers can take home all their earnings to care for their families and send their children to school.

“After getting the rickshaw, it is easier for me to earn money. ... I can easily maintain my family, and we do not worry about what to eat in the morning and in the evening.” — Prabhal, a father of two

Scales for Rent

Scales for Rent

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Suggested gift: R2,400

Few South Asians have a scale of their own. When they need to weigh something, they go to the market and pay to use one. With your donation, a person who’s unable to find work can take this scale to the market and earn money by charging others to use it.
A woman using a GFA World provided Sewing Machine

Sewing Machine

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Suggested gift: R1,400

Many impoverished women lack education, and this limits their job opportunities. If a woman has lost her husband, or if he doesn’t earn enough, she may be powerless to provide for herself and her children. A sewing machine can allow her to start a productive business and meet her family’s needs.

Sponsor a Behind-the-Scenes Missionary for One Year

Sponsor a Behind-the-Scenes Missionary for One Year

Suggested gift: R600

For nearly 40 years, behind-the-scenes missionaries have served in GFA World’s administrative offices as a crucial link between the mission field and the Western Church. They work hard to communicate with GFA supporters in their country in order to raise resources for the field.

When you stand with behind-the-scenes missionaries, you enable them to continue in their role while providing the field with prayer and the financial support needed for ministry.

Sponsor a Child for One Year

Sponsor a Child for One Year

R 350/month

Children in developing countries all over the world, like their parents before them, are trapped in a cycle of poverty. They lack access to tools that would break the cycle and change things for themselves and future generations.

But Child Sponsorship helps free these children from the cycle of poverty, and through our community development approach, it changes their families and communities, too! Together we can fulfill Christ’s command to care for and love children in poverty.

Sponsor a Missionary for One Year

Sponsor a Missionary for One Year

R 150/month

National missionaries bring words of life and hope to people in places where Christ’s love has never been shared. They do so by:

  • Understanding the communities they serve.
  • Living sacrificially so others can find grace and new life in Jesus.
  • Filling an integral role in distributing gifts.
  • Providing immediate aid to communities experiencing crisis.
  • Freely offering prayer and counsel to gift recipients and their communities.

When you support the National Missionary program, you enable missionaries to serve full time, resulting in lives changed for eternity.

Sponsor a Woman Missionary for One Year

Sponsor a Woman Missionary for One Year


Women missionaries courageously serve in harsh areas to bring hope to some of the most downtrodden people, especially women and children. Their ministry can take a variety of forms, such as literacy training, prayer, counseling, discipleship for women, and news of hope for all who hunger for true love.

By sponsoring a woman missionary, you’ll enable them to minister to those forgotten by much of society.

Tin Roof

Tin Roof

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Suggested gift: R3,150

Roofs made of thatch are a common sight across Africa and Asia, but they don’t offer good protection from annual monsoon rains, which means families must spend precious resources repairing or replacing their possessions. These lightweight, sturdy tin roofs give needy families a safe, dry place to call home.

Tool Kit

Tool Kit

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Suggested gift: R1,120

Tool kits include items such as axes, shovels, saws, plows, sickles and crowbars. Having the right tools increases a farmer’s productivity so fields can yield more. This increases the farmer’s income and ability to provide food, clothing, shelter and a better life for their family.

“When I see the condition of [these] people, their poverty, . . . it hurts me. It pains me to see them suffering. I wish I could bring changes in their lives.” —Kanak, a GFA pastor

Women reading bibles

Vocational Training

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Suggested gift: R1,050

Vocational training classes equip people for occupations such as tailoring or candle making. The classes help people get better jobs so they can break out of the cycle of poverty and provide better lives for themselves and their children.

Weaving Loom

Weaving Loom

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Suggested gift: R1,644

In some regions of South Asia, entire families make their living weaving cloth and sewing it into garments, handbags, hats and household items. With a sturdy weaving loom, they can produce these items faster, increase their profits and provide for their family’s needs.
A girl holding GFA World provided supplies

Widows and Abandoned Children Fund

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Suggested gift: R1,050

Alone and unprotected, widows and abandoned children face immense practical and emotional hardships. But the Body of Christ can offer support and hope. When you give to help widows and abandoned children, you can provide them with things like food, shelter, income-generating gifts, dignity and God’s compassion.

A man wearing GFA World provided winter clothing

Winter Clothing

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Suggested gift: R560

Harsh winters force many people indoors, hindering villagers from finding jobs and limiting pastors’ ability to minister. Winter clothing packets help GFA missionaries stay healthy and able to minister during cold seasons. Winter clothing distributed to the poor protects the vulnerable—especially children—from freezing cold.

Depending on the region, a winter clothing packet may include:

  • A Blanket
  • A Sweater
  • A Jacket
  • Other Warm Items
Women studying at a GFA World Women's Literacy Program

Women’s Literacy

Select an amount to add to your cart or enter a custom amount below:

Suggested gift: R350

When women learn to read, they can avoid harmful labour contracts, understand warning labels and avoid being cheated at the marketplace. GFA World supports literacy classes that teach women how to read and write. After they graduate from these literacy classes, the women are also able to read God’s Word and grow in their relationship with Him. Your gift towards literacy enables women to protect themselves and keep their families healthy while also equipping them to draw closer to God.

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