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Share warmth. Share hope.

Donate Toward Winter Clothing

In winter's biting cold, a simple gift makes a world of difference!

Cold temperatures and frigid winds come to many regions where GFA national missionaries serve. Many people trapped in poverty are defenseless against the lower temperatures because they cannot afford warm clothing or blankets and they live in huts that offer inadequate protection against the winter winds. Prolonged exposure can bring sickness, even death.

But you can help them.

When you give to provide winter clothing or a warm blanket, you give impoverished people not only the means to survive the winter seasons; you offer them hope and the knowledge of God’s love through the missionaries delivering practical help and Christ’s hope.

“I am thankful to [those] for providing me a blanket. Due to the severe cold, I and my wife were struggling to sleep every night. But today I am extremely happy to receive this warm and beautiful blanket. Once again thank you so much.”

Give today, and you can bring warmth to families in need!

  • Not all of Asia is hot and humid. In India, temperatures lower than -28° C have been recorded!
  • Winter clothing and blankets can be incredibly expensive in Asia, especially in remote, mountainous areas.

Bring Warmth Through Simple, Affordable Gifts

These affordable gifts will provide opportunity and hope in Jesus' name.


  • Protect multiple family members from freezing on winter nights. They are especially vital for children or the elderly, whose lives can be more easily at risk in extreme cold.
  • Exemplify God's love for people in need, especially those neglected by the rest of society. GFA-supported workers are frequently able to provide blankets to people such as leprosy patients, widows and the homeless.
  • Provide a good night's sleep so gift recipients have energy for a day of work or ministry.

Donate Toward Blankets

Winter Clothing Packets

  • Protect the health of missionaries or other recipients as they minister or labour outdoors in the winter.
  • Encourage national missionaries and help them minister in more homes and villages when the cold weather keeps people indoors.
  • Allow people with outdoor labour jobs to work longer hours in the cold and earn more income for their families.

Donate Toward Winter Clothing