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Where Most Needed

Home Office Expenses

Home Office Expenses

Your gift keeps GFA's home offices running by covering the cost of everything from copy paper to the electric bill. These gifts allow home-team staff members to continue serving the missionaries in Asia!

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Widows and Abandoned Children

Widows and Abandoned Children

Suggested donation: R1,050

Blamed for their husband's death, widows in South Asian society are viewed as cursed and left to fend for themselves. Abandoned children face similar circumstances and are forced to provide for their own livelihood. These precious women and children need to hear that Jesus loves them. The Widows and Abandoned Children fund provides GFA-supported missionaries with the means to help these beloved women and children of God.

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Behind-the-Scenes Missionaries Fund

Behind-the-Scenes Missionaries Fund

Suggested donation: R300

The behind-the-scenes missionaries in GFA’s administrative offices function as a key connection between ministry supporters in the West and on-the-ground national missionaries in Asia.

Your gift to the Behind-the-Scenes Missionaries Fund equips GFA personnel to continue their vital support of the field. Together, you will enable countless lives in Asia to be touched by the truth and kindness of God’s grace!

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Field Ministries

Field Ministries

With your gift, you can help our national missionaries serving on the field reach the thousands who are waiting to hear about the true God. Think about the impact you could make in countless lives!

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Flood Relief

Flood Relief

Bringing the love of Jesus to the flood victims. Your gift to GFA will help provide emergency relief and bring flood victims God's hope for a new life through Jesus Christ.

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Where Most Needed

Where Most Needed

Through donations to GFA (SA)'s Where Most Needed fund, we are able to tell more people about the opportunities to transform communities through Christ's love. Help us to do our part in fulfilling the Great Commission.

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Abandoned Children / Street Children

Abandoned Children / Street Children

Suggested donation: R90

Millions of children find themselves discarded, orphaned, abused in the sex trade or kidnapped and sold into bonded labour. Others are simply runaways. All of these scenarios have led to millions of abandoned children left behind by their society and culture. With your partnership the ministry can continue to develop programs to help these precious children of God.

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Broadcasting the Good News

Broadcasting the Good News

Suggested donation: R 560 - R 2,240

Broadcasting provides the opportunity for communities to learn about the love of Christ through radio programming, social media platforms and other key internet communication channels. Through these avenues, people across Asia-and even beyond-can discover powerful truths in God's Word. National workers write and record messages that are relevant to the cultures and struggles of each audience region, which strengthens people's ability to understand the full meaning of God's mercy. Your gift this year can truly "go tell it on the mountain"!

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Donation Summary


Our Stewardship Commitment

We value your donation and are committed to good stewardship of the funds entrusted to us by our friends and donors. All gift options represent GFA’s actual ministry efforts to meet the diverse needs of individuals and communities. Regardless of particular designations, monies are raised for ministry purposes, and GFA retains discretion to use donated funds in any manner that serves GFA’s charitable objectives.